We all have those moments, crossroads, fight or flight, whatever you want to call it - when you can stay and have your security knowing that things will never change, or you can push yourself and make a difference.
There will be a time in your life when you want something (or someone) so badly that the thought of not having it kills you. Sometines it works out and sometimes it doesn't and when it doesn't it hurts like a bitch! Of course in the made for TV movie version you'd get the job, get the guy and you'd be driving off into the sunset as the credits come rolling in, but that my sweets is not real life.
Yes, sadly not all choices we make at the all important cross roads in life turn out quite the way we want but, and it's a big but (think J-Lo) you've got to take risks because thats how greatness happens! Messy, heart thumping, soul destroying, tear inducing failure is part and parcel of the amaizng thing that is life and if you've never experienced it, then you're either very lucky or playing it safe and safe - leads to medorocricy and who on earth wants that?
Yes, sadly not all choices we make at the all important cross roads in life turn out quite the way we want but, and it's a big but (think J-Lo) you've got to take risks because thats how greatness happens! Messy, heart thumping, soul destroying, tear inducing failure is part and parcel of the amaizng thing that is life and if you've never experienced it, then you're either very lucky or playing it safe and safe - leads to medorocricy and who on earth wants that?

In my lifestime (26 years FYI) I've had my heart bruised once and my heart broken once. Did it hurt? Yes, do I regret it? Not one bit. I've also had several jobs, some I've loved and others I've hated and again, do I regret any of them? Nope. I believe that every person that enters my life enters it for a reason and every experience I go through, the good, the bad and the ugly teaches me a lesson. All the stumbles, all the bumps are what (in the end) makes us stronger.
Of course at the time all you want to do is scream and punch a pillow and thats fine, go for it. Imagine your boss/boyfriends face on that pillow and go hell for leather! Then once you are done, pick yourself up and get yourself back out there. Yes it can be humiliating, especially in those instences where you've put your heart on the line and bared your soul only to be rejected.
Of course at the time all you want to do is scream and punch a pillow and thats fine, go for it. Imagine your boss/boyfriends face on that pillow and go hell for leather! Then once you are done, pick yourself up and get yourself back out there. Yes it can be humiliating, especially in those instences where you've put your heart on the line and bared your soul only to be rejected.

The most important thing though is to not hold onto those negative emotions for a single second longer than nessecery, because all that negative energy will become toxic to both your mind and your body.
You deserve to feel good and you don't have to rely on anyone else to make that happen, love yourself and never ever give up on yourself! Always fight, take the risks, take the chances and take action, there's no other way. 'Yesterday does not exist and tomorrow may never come' so it's up to you to figure out how to make your life better today, starting with right now. So, the next time you're at a crossroads in your life DON'T PLAY IT SAFE! Never quit and never give up, even if you fall flat on your face once, twice, three times - learn from it, dust yourself off and I guarantee eventually your risks will pay of.
Kate x
You deserve to feel good and you don't have to rely on anyone else to make that happen, love yourself and never ever give up on yourself! Always fight, take the risks, take the chances and take action, there's no other way. 'Yesterday does not exist and tomorrow may never come' so it's up to you to figure out how to make your life better today, starting with right now. So, the next time you're at a crossroads in your life DON'T PLAY IT SAFE! Never quit and never give up, even if you fall flat on your face once, twice, three times - learn from it, dust yourself off and I guarantee eventually your risks will pay of.
Kate x